Thursday, October 19, 2006


Watch out for this scam that has happened to many people since Hurricane Katrina! Thousands of flood damaged cars have been shipped all over the United States from Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Cars damaged in disasters will be salvaged, rebuilt and sold at car auctions all over the United States. Don't fall prey to this misfortune! Here are some things to look out for when you are looking to buy your next used car... USE THE SNIFF leery if a car has a heavy air freshener smell. This could mean the seller is trying to cover up a musty or mildewy smell. CHECK THESE AREAS...under the car, trunk, dashboard, glove compartment and seats. Check for signs of water damage such as silt, mud or rust. INSPECT THE UPHOLSTERY...color changes between the ceiling and floor upholstery may be a sign that standing waterwas in the car. A used car with new upholstery may indicate a seller may have removed flood-damaged upholstery. HONK THAT HORN!!...turn the ignition on and make sure all accessories and warning lights and gauges come on quickly. Test the lights, windshield wipers, radio, horn, heat and air conditioning several times to make sure they all work. Water damage can cause a car's electrical system to short out. Don't fall prey to someone elses misfortune and take the time to do your homework! - CHRISTY RICHARDS